HDR Prostate Brachytherapy: Setting standards with radiation oncologists and urologists

24 Sep 2024 17:00 CEST




We are excited to invite you to an exclusive HDR prostate brachytherapy webinar. This event will feature insights from world-renowned experts, Dr. Gerard Morton and Dr. Alexandre de la Taille, and will be hosted by Maarten ter Mors.

Why should you register for the webinar?

  • Gain expert perspectives on HDR Prostate Brachytherapy
  • Understand the role of multidisciplinary collaboration in patient care
  • Explore evidence-based approaches to improve patient outcomes
  • Take advantage of this opportunity to learn from the best in the field


Meet our speakers:


Dr. Alexandre de la Taille

Head of the Urology Department of Henri Mondor University Hospital

Créteil, France


Dr. Gerard Morton

Radiation oncologist at Odette Cancer Centre (Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre)

Toronto, Canada


Hosted by Maarten ter Mors

Head of Brachy Solutions at Elekta

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